The importance of GUT HEALTH for your pēpi.

…and how to reduce/eliminate digestive discomforts when starting solids.

Here at Made Whole we are seriously passionate about nourishing the gut. So passionate in fact that we created an epic range of puree blends and tasty textures to do just that…gently NOURISH and LOVE the gut.

Our little humans are born with a very delicate digestive system, it needs to be nurtured and cared for in order to reduce/eliminate digestive discomfort and avoid sensitivities. Your pēpi is so wonderfully created with a gut designed for the intended purpose of absorbing all the nutrients and incredible benefits that breastmilk offers (and likewise all the goodness formula has to offer). At birth their little gut is permeable; meaning there are gaps that allow for liquid to pass through, (in this case milk). As pēpi develops their gut slowly matures and those gap junctions tighten to ideally form a beautifully strong gut lining, but we need to assist and support that process. When starting solids we need to support the gut with foods that are gentle on their digestive system and healing for the gut. We love that our puree blends do exactly that.

The most essential part of a healthy gut is ensuring we have a strong intestinal wall lining, this acts as a barrier preventing toxins, microbes and undigested food particles to enter into the blood stream. A healthy gut is essential for immune health, mental clarity, radiant skin!!

How do we avoid the sensitivities of an unhappy gut?

  • Only introduce foods once your little one is developmentally ready (check out our previous blog for the developmental signs of readiness)

  • Offer GUT HEALING FOODS such as foods rich in collagen such as bone broth (which you will find in our puree blends), bone marrow, probiotic rich foods such as coconut yogurt, sauerkraut brine/fermented tonics (in very small amounts).

  • Ensure foods are easily digestible - slow cook and soft meats and vegetables, ferment (soak and sour) grains such as our tasty textures.

  • Avoid highly processed and refined foods (this includes rice cereals that are often recommended when starting solids).

Starting solids is not a sprint, it’s a marathon! Your pēpi has their whole life to enjoy food so there is no need to rush, take it slow and really focus on nourishing their gut because from that flows a strong immune system, decrease/eliminate eczema, mental clarity and better ability to regulate emotions (we already know this one is tough enough without having to battle gut dysfunction).


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